Social Media

What counts is how meaningful and pertinent you are to your audience, not how many likes and shares you receive.

engage audiences with increased Online Presence

Learn About Our Social Media Marketing Strategy

What is a social Strategy?

The key ingredient for doing social media marketing well is having a strategy. Having a social media strategy in place will ensure that your social media efforts are more fruitful, and are working to support your broader business goals. Putting a strategy together includes outlining your business goals, so that you can work backwards to create posts which reinforce them.

How do we get it right at MOFA Digital?

Simply by asking relevant questions

Who is your customer?

  • Age bracket
  • Gender
  • Demographic
  • Interests

Where is your audience?

  • Online?
  • Their shopping preferences
  • Reading habits


What are your goals?

  • Establish your brand
  • Increase visibility
  • Generate traffic to website
  • Grow sales


How will you communicate?

  • Social networking sites
  • Days/dates of posting
  • Using static (visual) or animated (reels/videos) posts


What differentiates you?

  • Your elevator pitch
  • Testimonials
  • Uniqueness
  • Build a story

Company Strengths at a glance

Our Strength

Social media is our everything. The brands we associate with and work for then benefit from our love for it. Yes, there is a little amount of self-promotion, but our strength is social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. We are now also proficient with YouTube. You will soon see a bar for that as well :p


Warning: There is no template, everything is customised

A Plan that we Plan

An informed description of everything we want to accomplish and the results we aim to achieve on your social media profiles is a social media plan, also known as a social media strategy. We always aim to establish a well-thought-out social media presence strategy for your company. We think it’s important to communicate a clear, thorough strategy to guarantee the finest possible relationship between you and your audience.

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